Message code 252 during migration ( network disconnected during migration ) - Zinstall
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Message code 252 during migration ( network disconnected during migration )

This message code appears when the network connection between the new ( target ) and old ( source ) computers gets disconnected during the migration.

This is usually caused by a faulty network adapter on the old computer or a faulty network switch that fails during the migration because a lot of data is being copied.

Another possible cause is malfunctioning anti-virus / firewall software causing the connection to get disconnected.


  1. Most recommended:
    1. Remove the hard drive from the old computer and connect it to the new computer
    2. Run Zinstall on the new computer and select “I only have this computer”, “Yes, I am migrating from another hard drive”.
  2. Alternative:
    1. Stop any programs running on the old computer
    2. Replace network adapter on old computer with a new one
    3. Connect the old and new computer using a network cable ( and not using a switch/router )
    4. Run the migration just like before
  3. If either your old or new computers have Norton Internet Security / firewall /360 installed – a known bug in Norton firewall products can cause the connection between the two computers to get disconnected.
    1. Uninstall Norton Internet Security / firewall / 360 from both your old and new computers
    2. Perform the migration
    3. After the migration, you can reinstall the offending Norton product